What type of community do you want for your children and for yourself? If there was something you could do to improve your community and the services your community provided would you do it? The stronger a community is the stronger the community members are. Most people believe only money can change things, yet knowledge is equally rich in the benefits it provides for all in the community. How would you feel about a community center in your neighborhood that provided daycare and education resources (early learning programs, before and after school programs, adult educaion programs, and scholarship programs) to all in the community? Now how would you feel if that same center offered a furniture recycling and exchange program, construction and demolition material recycling program (where gently used kitchen and bathroom cabinets, tubs, fixtures, spare plumbing and consruction materials, ceiling fans, and etc) for use by community or H.U.D. housing. This program would also include recycling or reuse of left over materials to avoid toxic materials in our landfills!!) How would you like if this same community center offered a affordable housing programs that offered education and resources to avoid foreclosure. Included in this program would be incentives for banks, lenders, landlords and builders who offer affordable housing. This is not to be confused with section 8 housing or project inner city redistrabution programs. This is for working families and individuals. A child friendly exchange site would also be included so all parents and children have a safe location to exchange children for visitation times. This would also include a mediation and counceling services to all in the community. Please post a comment or contact Kelly Barr at legalsolutions4cp@gmail |
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